A rough
definition of boomerang
would be a "blade hardwood" and was used as bat hunting by early
humans worldwide. However,
nobody knows for sure where it originated.
Traces have been found in Egypt, where it is stated that they were used by the Pharaohs to hunt birds. The oldest sample, however, was found in Poland in 1987 and is believed to have been built for 23 thousand years before Christ.
Australia, however that was earned the title "the boomerang country."
The oldest Australian
copy is dated
9000 years ago and
its main functions besides hunting
instrument was cut
meats and vegetables, digging the earth in search of edible roots and fish
to hit the beaches.
The sport emerged almost
simultaneously in Australia, Europe
and the United States in the late '60s, but it was the Boomerang Association of
Australia, founded in 1969 which
established the main evidence
played today. The
first World Cup was held in 1988 in